The Centenarian Portrait Project
I’ve come to understand that through the time of 100 years, many things have changed in our culture. However, the things we can observe and learn from the older generation can still be just as relevant to us today, as they were 100 years ago, such as knowing the importance of our heritage, showing love and kindness, and just enjoying the little things.
Anna Haycock 16-year-old Artist (QLD)
The Centenarian Portrait Project by Teenagers is an uplifting intergenerational initiative, matching local teenage artists with our most senior citizens.
Each portrait tells the unique story of the centenarian, captured by the artist in their individual interpretation and artistic style. From reminiscing, joy and laughter, comes a collection of portraits that communicate the experiences, memories and life history of our most senior citizens.
This project aims to foster connections between the two generations, celebrating the rich histories and experiences of the centenarians while providing young artists with a unique opportunity to engage with and learn from their elders. The process involves the pairs meeting over a four month period, which allows them to capture the essence of their subjects in their artwork.
In 2019 100 centenarians and 100 teenagers from across Brisbane, the Sunshine Coast, Gold Coast & Toowoomba participated in this initiative. On August 18th, an exhibition presenting 100 portraits of 100-year-olds was opened at the Seven Hills Hub.

TCPPBT Making Of (QLD)

In my time with Joan, I’ve realised how quickly someone can make an impact on you, and I’m thankful that I’ve been able to make this connection.
Nadya Wilson 18-year-old Artist (QLD)
I also asked her [Florence] how she got to 100 and she simply responded, “I don’t know.” However, from what I’ve learned these past few months, having so many passions and surrounding yourself with loved ones just might be the secret.
17-year-old Artist Olivia Tosh 17-year-old (QLD)